Save the Date for Our Annual Focus on Life Dinner

Our annual dinner is set for Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at The Grand Banquet Center, and all are invited to attend. Mark your calendar and plan to invite family and friends to this educational event.  Please view the Flyer for more information about the guest speaker and making reservations for the dinner. If you have any questions, please call us at (989) 895-8481 or email us at We look forward to seeing you there!

Sidewalk Advocates for Life

We will soon be hosting a Training Workshop for Sidewalk Advocates for Life (SAL) on Saturday, October 19, 2024.  SAL’s vision is a peaceful, prayerful, loving, and law-abiding sidewalk outreach present outside every abortion and abortion-referral facility in the U.S. and beyond, redirecting all to life-affirming alternatives. For more information, please see our flyer or email us at for more details. 

15 week Abortion Ban

You may have heard some organizations or candidates promote a federal 15-week abortion ban as the path forward. Sadly, a federal 15-week ban offers almost no protection for the unborn, since about 95% of abortions happen in the first 15 weeks of pregnancy. Please visit Right Life of Michigan-15 week ban for more information.

Blessing Bag Project

BCRTL continues to provide the sidewalk counselors with blessing bags to hand out to women coming to and from the local abortion clinic. There is information in the bag about Local crisis PG resources, abortion pill reversal, adoption and the healing post-abortive ministry of Rachel’s Vineyard. Please contact us if you are interested in being part of this ministry by calling (989) 895-8481 or emailing us at

BCRTL Membership

Our 2024 membership drive is ongoing. Your financial support allows us to do local advertising to educate on the pro-life agenda, publish newsletters, sponsor a webpage and Facebook page, and support local high school and college pro-life groups. Please consider making a contribution to Bay County RTL to continue our mission of creating a culture of life. You can print the membership form and mail it to us or click on the Donation icon and submit your membership online. We look forward to having you join us, thank you! 


Cross Display

St. Gabriel Parish in Auburn will be hosting our Annual Fall cross display this year. It will be put up on Saturday, September 28 at 10 am and will be taken down on Saturday, October 26 at 10 am. Please join us. Thank you to Fr. Marc Hopps and St. Gabriel Parish! God Bless you!!

National Night Out, Downtown Bay City

Thank you all for supporting our largest event of the year outside of our dinner. We know all of you were not there but your prayers cleared the sky for a beautiful night of sharing Pro Life information with the community. We signed up so many people from our raffle to receive our monthly email, newsletter and pro life news…that is awesome! We had 350 prizes given to the children of our community. And finally we handed out voting information to many people. The new banner was front and center in our tent to share our message, “Life. The Other Choice.” Thank you to Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish for allowing us to use the sucker tree again this year.

November 8, 2023 – Michigan March for

Students, chaperones, and Fr. Jose from All Saints traveled to Lansing to stand for Life.  We are grateful for their support! 

Let’s Learn About Babies!

RLM is happy to share a new animated video for kids produced by the RLM team! This video debuted at the regional meetings and is now available on our YouTube page (to watch, click the link LET’S LEARN ABOUT BABIES!). Please share this resource with parents, teachers, friends, and family—it’s an excellent and engaging tool for educating young minds on fetal development. We look forward to you watching and sharing this resource with your communities!

Destroying our Future – Abortion’s Cost to our Economy

Children are our future. By destroying almost a third of the next generation, we are destroying our own future. Please read Right to Life of Michigan’s flyer, “Destroying our Future – Abortion’s Cost to our Economy” for how abortion has impacted our society.  

                                                                      Abortion is America’s Holocaust.

See these Movies on Us

Bay County Right to Life recently purchased several copies of the “Roe v. Wade” movie and donated them to All Saints High School and our local Libraries. View this video yourself or with family and friends to find out what really happened when this case was decided in 1973 by the Supreme Court and became the national law of our land. 

The movie “Unplanned” shows the true picture of Planned Parenthood agencies. Consider borrowing this video from us for you or your organization to view. The movie also highlights the importance of the 40 Days for Life Campaign. Call Bay County RTL at (989) 895-8481 or email us at if you are interested.

Stitches of Love

Do you knit or crochet? Would you like to help out your community without having to leave your home? We collect newborn baby items (hats, sweaters, afghans, booties), and deliver them to McLaren Bay Region’s Birthing Center. Each little gift is tagged “With Love, Bay County Right to Life.” Imagine the powerful and affirming message this gives new parents and their families — for having chosen life. Baby-weight yarn donations are also welcome.

To become involved or just get answers to any questions you might have, contact us at 989-895-8481 or email us at Please accept our heartfelt “Thank You!” to each of you who helps in our ongoing Stitches of Love program.

Online Donations

Your generous donations are used to do so much:  provide educational materials in our community on abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted-suicide; sponsor pro-life speakers at the annual dinner; promote the call/text confidential helpline, 1-800-712-HELP; support student bus trips to March for Life and other life projects in local schools and youth groups; and assist agencies that defend all of life.

Your continuing support is so appreciated and makes possible the pro-life work of Bay County Right to Life in our community.  Click on the Donate button at the top of the page or from the Event, About, or Contact pages to submit a donation online.  And thank you for your support of Life!

Stand for Life

We wrestle not with people or organizations but with an ideology that embraces human life as ultimately worthless and expendable. We know the face of abortion is the innocent child–created in God’s image with infinite worth. Every life is unique, irreplaceable, and invaluable. We appreciate you who stand with us!

 Thanks for visiting–here’s a little bit about us

Bay County Right to Life is one of over 100 local Right to Life of Michigan affiliates representing thousands of Michigan citizens. We are a volunteer, non-profit organization composed of grassroots people of different political persuasions, various faiths, and diverse economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. We come together for one purpose:  to restore legal protection to those members of our human family who are threatened by abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and assisted suicide. These are the issues we focus on and where your generous support is spent defending human lives. Diverse though we are, we hold that EVERY human being has an inalienable right to life.

We were formed in 1980 and have become the largest pro-life voice in the county. We are very active in the community, have a vibrant membership, and strive to proclaim the value of life from conception to natural death. Please consider joining us.

Bay County Right to Life supports the efforts of all local crisis pregnancy centers including the Life Clinic in Bay City. Confidential assistance may be obtained by calling or texting the statewide hotline: 1-800-712-HELP. We also have an active email network and Facebook page. For more information, please join either one or both. We must never be silent.